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Puppy Allergy

Puppy Allergy

Puppies are cute, cuddly, and adorable. They also happen to be allergic to certain foods. If you’ve got a puppy at home, chances are you’ll want to give him the best possible start in life. However, if you’re concerned about his allergies, there are ways to treat them naturally.


Allergies are an unfortunate part of life. While they’re usually harmless, they can cause a lot of discomfort and even lead to serious health issues. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help alleviate these symptoms.


In this article, I’m going to discuss the symptoms of puppy allergy and how to treat them naturally. I’ll also cover some of the best natural remedies out there.


What is Puppy Allergy?


If your dog has been diagnosed with food or environmental allergies, he may experience itching, scratching, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and other unpleasant side effects. These reactions occur when allergens enter through the nose and mouth into the body. The most common allergen is milk protein. 


Natural Remedies for Puppy Allergy Symptoms


There are two types of allergies: immediate-type and nonimmediate type. Immediate-type allergies involve the release of histamine from mast cells which causes swelling around the area where the allergen entered. This results in redness, hives, itchy skin, and watery eyes. Nonimmediate-type allergies don’t produce any visible signs until later on. Instead, they trigger immune system responses such as inflammation, mucus production, and congestion.


The following list describes the typical symptoms associated with both types of allergies:


     • Itching

     • Sneezing

     • Coughing

     • Wheezing

     • Runny Nose

     • Watery Eyes


How Can You Tell Which Type Your Dog Has?


It’s important to know whether your pet suffers from an immediate or delayed reaction because each requires different treatments. In addition, knowing what kind of allergy your dog has will allow you to identify potential triggers. For example, dogs who suffer from dairy allergies tend to have more problems after eating cheese than those who react to beef.


Immediate Reactions


These include hives, rashes, swollen lips/nose and ears, vomiting and diarrhea. Dogs suffering from these conditions often need emergency treatment. Their condition should not worsen over time so it’s crucial to get medical attention right away.


Delayed Responses


This includes nasal discharge, runny noses, sneezing, coughs and wheezing. Unlike their immediate counterparts, these symptoms do not require urgent care but rather regular monitoring by a veterinarian.


Treating Puppy Allergy With Natural Solutions


While many people think that treating allergies means giving up chocolate, eggs, and peanut butter, this isn’t always necessary. There are plenty of safe alternatives available that won’t make matters worse. Here are three effective solutions to consider:


1) Probiotics


Probiotic supplements contain beneficial bacteria that work alongside our own gut flora to keep things running smoothly. Studies show that probiotics reduce the risk of developing allergies in children. Additionally, they improve digestion and immunity.


2) Garlic


Garlic contains powerful antihistamines that prevent the formation of histamine. Histamine plays a major role in triggering allergic reactions. By reducing its levels, garlic helps relieve the symptoms caused by allergies.


3) Ginger


Ginger works wonders against nausea and stomach upset. When combined with honey, ginger becomes one of the most potent natural remedies for colds and flu. Research shows that ginger reduces inflammation while improving circulation.


Always Consult your trusted Veterinarian before trying these homebrew solutions since each one of our loveable puppies reacts differently.


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